

Today we’d like to talk to you about the main reasons you’ll want to start practising yoga. If you’re already an expert, you’ll surely be able to confirm that the benefits it offers are completely true.

If, however, you’re really curious but you haven’t yet delved into the world of yoga, keep on reading! We assure you that once you discover everything yoga can bring to your life, your body and your soul, you’ll want to join this exciting world.

6 benefits yoga can offer that you just can’t miss out on:

1. Increased flexibility

Practising yoga properly, with the right technique and material, will progressively increase your body’s flexibility and will help you improve your posture, allowing you to adopt healthier positions that don’t damage your bones. It also progressively tones your muscles, in such a way that it reduces back and other kinds of pain brought on by bad posture.

2. Stronger bones and muscles

Yoga is a very holistic practice that, if carried out progressively and under the supervision of a professional, can offer unbelievable benefits. Practising it properly can prevent lactic acid from accumulating in your body, strengthening your muscles, preventing your bones from losing mass and improving joint flexibility.


3. Improved balance

Stick to your yoga routine and exercise your body to drastically improve your balance. There are loads of poses that will help you to achieve body stability and to be aware of your own system. Poses like the tree pose or Vrkshasana will help you to see how your stability and balance improve over time. You’ll see how it influences your everyday life. In order to improve your balance, you need to concentrate on a fixed point which will allow you to control your body with some support. This will help you find a connection between your body and your mind, and also between your body and your surroundings.

These are the main physical benefits, and their achievement alone would more than justify practising yoga. Even so, let’s have a look at a few more that are sure to fully convince you.

4. Deeper breathing

This is something we rarely do properly: breathe. It seems simple enough and is something we do completely instinctively and unconsciously; but are we doing it right?

Controlling your breathing is fundamental in order to properly perform the asanas and movements, and it’s not easy to achieve. By consistently practising yoga, you can manage to control your breathing, and it’s something which will really help you to perform the movements better. The best part, though, is that it will greatly benefit your body. Breathing properly reduces stress levels, helps both your mind and your body to relax and gets your thoughts and ideas in order.


5. Better emotional health

As you’re already aware, the benefits of yoga aren’t just physical. Putting aside some time every day to connect with yourself and to concentrate on your breathing definitely sharpens and calms the mind. It’s a great benefit of practising yoga that doesn’t compare to other sports and activities.

Yoga can provide great emotional and mental strength and stability. In turn, this reduces stress and controls anxiety, improving your state of mind. In this way, you’ll have a more positive outlook on life and your mood will improve.

6. Reduced stress and anxiety

By frequently and progressively practising yoga, you can reduce stress and anxiety. This helps you to relax and connect with yourself. For reasons we’ve already mentioned, yoga doesn’t compare to other activities, since it helps you to connect with yourself on different levels. It connects your body with your mind and soul, and helps you to communicate with yourself and reach deep levels of meditation.

These are just some of the many benefits that yoga can provide. Here at naturyoga, we want to join you on this journey. So come with us and together we’ll discover everything yoga has to offer.

Sending you all our positive energy, from one group of yogis to another,

